Weekly english speaking meeting
Москва 11 мая 2018 c 19:00 до 23:30, 2417 дней назад
People at our events are nice and communicative. If you don't know anybody - come, tell "hi" and join the conversation. The main idea of our event is to socialize, meet new people and make new connections.
ДалееМосква с 19:00 9 марта до 1:00 10 марта 2018, 2480 дней назад
Join us for the international party! www.facebook.com/events/19585697841...
ДалееМосква с 19:00 24 ноября до 1:00 25 ноября 2017, 2585 дней назад
Let's meet in our FREE meeting in order to get acquainted with different people from all countries around the world and practice language skills. www.facebook.com/events/19272008542...